Olas Surfboards

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Olas Surfboards
Olas surfboards logo.png
Location San Diego, California
Shaper Bill Minard
Category Various
Website http://www.olasusa.com (as of 7/8/12, the site is down)

History of Olas Surfboards

No background information or history behind the start and formation of Olas International. Also, take note not to confuse this organization with another surfboard company with similar name, Las Olas Surfboards located in San Francisco, CA.

That being said, Olas Surfboards provides small quantities of surfboards and other surf accessories.

Overview of Olas Surfboards

This organization only concentrates on funboards, longboards, and fish designs. All boards are hand shaped.

Not much in name branding of the surfboards. The quad fish range from 5’10” to 6’6″. Longboards range from 8’6″ to 9′ and funboards from 6’10” to 8’4″ Mini Tail.

See also
